Tuesday, April 25, 2006


Oregon crest

…causation, duty and worship; they exploited at every single frame of the thoughts and the visual natural effects of surrounding Urantia. The freshness of that “new” personality is at move again. Cycles of decisions approach with every person I have to deal with. Is call Work now, and I know I have to behave in a different way. The action of the conversations and the acts at duty, moved smoothly as I faced the responsibilities. I was outside this laboratories building, preparing the location to set an equipment installation up next to the outside windows of the lab, when… the chief engineer comes friendly closer to where I am laboring and we started chatting…

 …politics, social anthropological issues… progress and development… then, he gave me the chance to bring on the table, a new concept from Jeff teachings….

…the Spiritual Renaissance thing. So, I mentioned to the engineer that all that situation (on the subject we were talking about it) of humanity running wild after material possessions, was based in the fact that our civilization was measuring everything from the perspective of a material eye, and that we need as soon as we possibly can, to enter a new era of spirituality… I wait… 


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